How to Promote Sales: The Communication Plan


Promoting sales is not an easy task at all. During this period, there are marketing campaigns everywhere, and there are countless commercial proposals reaching customers. To avoid being swept away by the current, your goal should be to become your customers' first thought (or almost) when the sales season arrives. How? By getting noticed well in advance and maintaining constant contact.

The Combination of Sales and Holidays

It is well known that promoting sales is a fiercely competitive race, and this year will be even more so. With the start of the new year, the final rush for sales begins.

As every year, on e-commerce channels as well as in physical stores, every brand aims for the winter sales to provide oxygen to sales and clear shelves and warehouses in anticipation of the new season.

To make the most of the excitement of the season and effectively promote your sales, you need to have an excellent marketing and communication plan.

If you are still working on it, keep in mind these tips, as you could successfully integrate them into your strategy!

Let’s start with the basic rules that you should always keep in mind when it comes to communication and content strategy:


Every good content strategist knows that communication and the message to be sent to the customer must adapt to the channel and the objectives to be achieved. Content becomes relevant only if, in that moment of contact, it is communicated through the right channel.
Start by identifying the moments and contact channels you intend to use to promote your sales, and only after that, for each scenario, develop the specific content you want to send.


Per arrivare alla vendita vera e propria, il cliente va sempre guidato, come ci insegna l’Inbound Marketing: Attract – Engage – Delight. La vendita è il punto di arrivo di questo processo che inizia con un primo contatto conoscitivo con il cliente. Per prima cosa dovremo attrarlo, quindi creare interesse intorno al nostro brand offrendogli contenuti di valore; e poi, ancora, dovremo coinvolgerlo, mantenendo accesso l’interesse e rafforzando il legame.


It is true that contacts with customers or prospects are now almost entirely digitalized. But this should not make you forget that emotions always drive purchases. And during the holiday season, especially at Christmas, their role can truly make the difference between a winning strategy and a failing one. If we add that this year the holidays will be anything but “typical,” then the tones must be weighed even more carefully to convey the right emotions.

Now let's see what the moments of contact with the customer are that you should try to leverage to the fullest to promote your sales and which channels you should use to maximize the effectiveness of your communication strategy.

How to Promote Sales by Guiding the Customer

There are three main moments that mark the contact opportunities with the customer in the coming weeks:

- the week of Christmas;
- New Year's Day;
- the Sales period.

While the sale remains the main and final goal, you should try to establish contact during each of these moments and set specific objectives.

In each of these occasions, you will need to evaluate which contact channels to prefer based on your objectives. Only after that can you proceed to the actual creation of the content.

Let's see which channels to use and how to communicate in each of the contact occasions.

The Week of Christmas

Of course, this is not the time to talk about sales. During the Christmas period, purchases are dedicated to gifts, and customers are more rational as they are trying to solve the dilemma: what should I gift this year?

Feel free to use promotional messages if you have special gift boxes or other original and appealing gift ideas.

An excellent marketing lever at this time could be to offer the customer who purchases a gift a freebie they can use for themselves. This could be a great incentive for them to buy gifts from you!

Yes to promotional messages, but still without excess. Rather, try to give suggestions and share original ideas without being intrusive.

Social media should be the channel to prioritize now, especially Instagram and Pinterest.

The Week of New Year's

New Year's is typically a moment of transition between Christmas and the winter sales.

Purchases are mostly on standby, waiting for the upcoming promotions, and we are quite busy with organizing and preparing for the most anticipated night of the year.

But this year, “typically” is not the most appropriate term. The unprecedented scenario, in our opinion, could turn out to be an unexpectedly promising moment for sales.

Keep your channels active and rekindle customer interest and engagement.

However, remember that there are only a few days left until the sales begin, so many will be strongly tempted to wait to finalize their purchases.

Focus on your main objective: to keep interest in your products alive, so that when the sales arrive, the customer will clearly remember those products that caught their interest and will rush to the store to buy them!

You could still focus on social media, effective in every contact occasion.

We suggest you also focus on email and blogs at this stage. You could create valuable content to suggest interesting purchases for the customer to plan. For example, you could write an article about the best-selling and most appreciated products of 2020 and send a direct email to invite customers to discover the selection.


The sales are starting; it's time to close the loop and reap the rewards of your efforts.

If the customer has remained receptive and you have kept their interest alive, simply announcing the start of the discounts will trigger the rush to purchase.

Rev up by starting to tease the discounts and offers you will propose in-store a few days in advance. You could give these previews via email, sending your customers a more personalized communication.

And also via social media, posting captivating images of a selection of your best-selling products that will soon be offered on sale!

Even during the sales period, you should never lower your tone or remain silent.

At most, if you plan to offer further discounts at the end of the period. You should always try to renew customer interest and keep the levels of excitement high.

Email and social media, as we have said, are essential at this stage. But if your physical stores rely heavily on local clientele, you should also make the most of the potential of SMS marketing.

SMS for geo-marketing are the most powerful tool there is. A tool with unbeatable performance for in-store sales.


It remains true that promotional pressure during sales is at its peak, and competition is indeed fierce. Even if you have worked hard on communication and marketing, it will always be a challenge to achieve all the sales you hoped for.

The biggest obstacle to overcome today is notoriously represented by marketplaces (like Amazon).

These hyper-e-commerce platforms have the strength and ability to attract a huge number of customers and capture an ever-growing share of sales.

You need to find a way to hook the customer in advance, maintain a constant connection, and foster an ever-increasing interest.

Offering additional services or a loyalty program, for example, could be the right strategy to create a strong and lasting relationship with customers.

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