Automation & Personalization

Mail-Maker Platform Features

Automation & Personalization

With the MARKETING AUTOMATION TOOL BOX, you can create an individual communication plan for each user in your DWH "Pure Marketing Data" built on the MAIL-MAKER cloud. Schedule the automatic sending of emails and SMS based on record actions (e.g., retargeting on last purchase), demographic data (e.g., happy birthday), and the Loyalty Program (e.g., points balance). The dynamic fields in the templates (user name) maximize the engagement of your Relationship Marketing.

Marketing Automation Tool Box

Configure automatic email and SMS sending based on engagement strategies. Communication is either generated from the master record or from a user precis ion tracked on your database:
- Welcome mail on first sign-up
- Happy Birthday
- Thank you mail for a particular purchase
- Anniversary fidelity card
– Push fidelity program
– Reward fidelity program
- Renewal of consents

Dynamic fields

Within the creative you can set up dynamic elements that are automatically detected on your database.
- Personal data (first name; last name, date of birth)
- Data related to the Fidelity Program (card number and type; points balance; last purchase date etc )
- Data related to the promotion/event (promotion expiration, barcode type EAN8/13/QR-code,/Code-39/128 with personal discount).
For advanced Relational Marketing, conditional content scripts are available (if ... then ... else ...); strings to modify textual content (e.g. {if GENDER='F' then “Dear Ms.” else “Dear Mr.” fi}; custom HTML code. Calculated portions of content.

Coupon management

Mail-Maker can generate and manage the dispensing of unique Coupons with EAN8/13/QR-code,/Code-39/128 type barcodes. Coupon dispensing can be done in several ways, through:
- Sending a message containing the promotional code (inline, or as an attachment)
- Sending a message containing the link to view/download the coupon.
The platform will dispense the list of those who read/downloaded the Coupon, with any list of “burned” codes.

E-MAIL creativity controls

With Mail-Maker, you can control and correct many of the HTML errors present in your DeM. There is always an active URL check that ensures proper tracking of recipient interactions. In the HTML code, you can use Mail-Maker's conditional programming language to compose content based on the values present in the target's record (ex. ). DeM communication can be integrated on major social networks.

AB testing E-MAIL

HTML creative, can be uploaded in A/B Testing and HTML Multivariant mode. That is, you can upload two or more creatives that will be sent to a certain percentage of the target audience to evaluate which variant is more effective (in terms of opens or clicks). The platform will then automatically select the best performing version and complete the sending on the rest of the target audience.

SMS creativity controls

On the SMS Multipart panel you will be able to manage dynamic DESTNAME tag and DESTSURNAME tag fields that will be populated with the values in your target list master data. You will also be able to enter “inline” discount codes, including unique ones, or short links for coupon downloads and other promotional content. SMSs are single (160 characters) or concatenated for longer text lengths. Simultaneously with SMS composition you can make use of the convenient “available characters” countdown.


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Accelerated Mobile Pages Il futuro dell’Email marketing si chiama AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Qualche anno fa, nel 2015, Google promuove e lancia il progetto Google

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